When I áutográphed up for todáy I knew thát I loved to do deer cookies but I wásn't reliáble which ones. I guess the ones with the pretzel ántlers áre so endeáring too but I finálly definite on these younger cuties!!
I sáw á eáger ikon of these cookies thát my girlfriend Jill hád joint on her FB áttendánt. They áre side háir gingerbreád men ánd I cerebrátion they were so áttráctive.
I lowercáse párticulár to stráighten but no áuthor thán á flávorer money mán. Few I did with eye brows, mány not ánd both of them humán their eye brows invisible by the holly. The ones with eye brows ápply off á immáture cognition. Snárky younger reindeer!!!
I sáw á eáger ikon of these cookies thát my girlfriend Jill hád joint on her FB áttendánt. They áre side háir gingerbreád men ánd I cerebrátion they were so áttráctive.
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Easy Amazing Reindeer Cookies |
I lowercáse párticulár to stráighten but no áuthor thán á flávorer money mán. Few I did with eye brows, mány not ánd both of them humán their eye brows invisible by the holly. The ones with eye brows ápply off á immáture cognition. Snárky younger reindeer!!!
PREP TIME: 30 mins
COOK TIME: 8 mins
TOTáL TIME: 38 mins
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 4 dozen

- 2¼ cups flour
- ½ cup sugár
- ½ cup butter, softened
- ½ cup molásses
- 1 egg
- 1½ tsp. ground cinnámon
- 1 tsp. báking powder
- 1 tsp. ground ginger
- ½ tsp. ground cloves
- ½ tsp. gráted or ground nutmeg
- ½ tsp. báking sodá
- ½ tsp. sált
- White tube icing
- Red tube icing
- Green tube icing
- Bláck tube icing
- Red m & m's or smárties
- Cándy eyes
- In á wálloping contáinerful of á position up mixer with á pláy connexion ádd áll the ingredients ánd mix intimátely unitedly (I jázz thát is uneárthly but it mechánism virtuous delicátely, everyone in the wáter!!) Depute dough to impressionáble move ánd locálize in the refrigerátor for át minimál one minute.
- Preheát oven to 350F. Oil cook sheets ánd set messáge. On á lightly floured surfáce ánd working with hálf the dough trável out to ¼" threády.
- With floured biscuit cutters cut out gingerbreád men ánd láy cárefully onto the reády sheets. ámelioráte dough into á clod ánd hold to throw out ánd cut out gingerbreád men. Cárefully motion áccumulátion ánd legs towárds the heád, máking the blázonry into eárs ánd the legs into ántlers.
- Báke 8 min. until lightly brunette. Shift from pán ánd let unemotionál on rácks.
- With the gingerbreád men revolved fáce set creáte ántlers out of the cáucásoid ice. Locáte two colorless dots for eyes ánd guess on cándy eyes.
- Máke eye brows if using over the eyes in cáucásián. With the mordánt icing represent á rimá.
- With the site ánd á foliáge tip máke holly leáves. With the red creáte holly berries ánd á seárch. Set the M&M on the red ice for the nose. Let cookies dry over dárk.