Crispy spinach chips area unit straightforward and straightforward snacks. Youngsters can completely like this crisp spinach chips. Savory, crunchy, and fewer guilty once we Ate it.
There is not a lot of effort and time to require for creating this instruction. My father love this spinach chips, even I and my sisters like this, too.

Before you deep deep-fried the spinach, you want to commixture flour and different ingredient till totally mixed. Then you'll be able to dip the spinach into the mixture by holding the stem. Tips and tricks for change of state this instruction is that the oil should be hot and cook in deep deep-fried.
If you wish this snack to be a vegetarian food, you'll be able to substitute stock powder with mushroom stock powder. Or if you don’t have any, you'll be able to omit this ingredient. It'll be less umami, though. Thus it’s your selection.

- 1/2 tsp Chicken or mushroom stock powder
- 50 leaves Spinach
- 1 cup Flour
- 2 tbsp Cornstarch
- 1 tsp Garlic powder
- 200 ml Water
- Salt to your taste
- 1 tsp Pepper
- In a medium bowl, mix all the dry seasoning and water until evenly distributed.
- In a pan fry, heat the cooking oil over medium heat.
- Dip the spinach into the mixture.
- Fry for about 1-2 minutes until the bottom is golden brown. The flip and continue frying for 1-2 minutes until all the sides is golden brown and crispy.
- After frying remove spinach chips from pan and drain on paper towels. Continue frying a new batch of crispy spinach chips.
- Enjoy the crispy spinach chips!